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Doctor and Patient

Building real world solutions to support a step change in CVD prevention

We have focused on building the essential pillars to enable a step change in uptake of the high impact treatments that prevent CVD. These include actionable data, support for workforce and pathway transformation, and local clinical leadership.


We have led development of a suite of resources to support local health systems in building these pillars:


  • CVDprevent, founded by Matt with colleagues at NHS England and the Department of Health in 2019. This is the national primary care audit of CVD prevention that shows GP practices where the gaps, inequalities and opportunities lie for their patients.

  • UCLPartners Size of the Prize is a high impact resource that shows local health systems how many heart attacks and strokes could be prevented and how much money saved if blood pressure and cholesterol treatment was improved to reasonable levels of ambition.

  • The UCLP Proactive Care Frameworks provide simple search and stratification tools for local adaptation to help prioritise clinical care and a large suite of resources to support use of the wider workforce, pathway transformation, and structured support for patient education, self-management and behaviour change. There been over 21,000 downloads of the search tools and the frameworks are in widespread use across England.

  • UCLP-Primrose is an adaptation of the Proactive Care Frameworks for local teams to improve the prevention of CVD in people with Severe Mental Illness

  • We have now built CVDACTION with more sophisticated search and stratification tools and other resources for local adaptation and specialist transformation support to help drive a step change in use of the high impact treatments that prevent CVD.




To enable a step change in the prevention of heart attacks and strokes

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